Monday, April 4, 2011


Since I spent most of the weekend outside working on the yard and spending time with the goats, the indoor housework has been neglected.  It also didn’t help that my Mom hasn’t been able to visit due to a cold.  She’s usually the main reason I clean the house.  And even after I hurriedly tidy up before her arrival, she’ll still manage to wash windows or vacuum the cats or dust the inside of the dishwasher once she does get here.
Since Mom will eventually get better and manage to drop by, I figured I’d better pick up the house.  I wanted to plant some peas in the new hoop houses today, but it was icky, damp, cold and windy so I couldn’t use that as an excuse to avoid cleaning. I hate housework.  Especially with a toddler.  It seems as if I’m picking up stuff every fifteen minutes.  Add that to the fact that we have three cats and a dog and shoes that are always bringing in farm-dirt it seems as if I’m constantly vacuuming rugs or sweeping the floors.  So Rhiannon and I rolled up our sleeves, slung our aprons over our heads and started to it. 

Granted, now that I’m a SAHM, I have more time to do those things.  I also have more time to take care of the animals, make home cooked meals, homeschool Rhiannon (just starting) and work on a garden.  But I also know that some of you do all of these things and have a “conventional” job outside of the home.  I don’t know how you working women and Moms keep a house when you have to be away from said house 50 hours of the week.  You are definitely a force to be reckoned with.

1 comment:

  1. What an adorable helper! I love her little apron. Anyone who thinks SAHMs are slackers should be hung out to dry - on a windy, sleety day with thunder and lightning. Any of us homesteaders are busy, busy multi-taskers, whether we work out of the home or have to wrangle little ones.

    p.s. Sometimes I wish I COULD vacuum my cats.
