Friday, June 10, 2011

Heavenly Halitosis

Another oven-less day!  Made a huge salad yesterday and topped it off with chunks of garlic-seasoned chicken breast and homemade garlic & onion salad dressing.  Side of huge croutons (made from the herb bread cooked in the grill) and a glass of sweet tea and call it a Supper!

I’ve been lazy lately (let’s face it, I’ve always been kind’a lazy) and our salads have been topped with…….store-bought dressing!  Oh, the horror!
I know, I know!  What kind of homesteading-wanna-be am I that I purchase that crummy mass-produced, frankenfood dressing at the supermarket??  Well I’m glad to say that I no longer have any bottled salad dressing in the house and will be (hopefully) making my own dressings from now on.
Not only is it like waaaaaayyyy cheaper - and better tasting - but you can mess with it until it’s to your liking!  I suppose the real drawback is that it doesn’t keep for more than a few days.  But then again, that’s usually the drawback for any type of homemade foodstuff.
We are garlic and onion lovers here at Krazo Acres.  I have the morning Dragon Breath to prove it.  I just feel sorry for little Rhiannon because she’s also taken a liking to garlic and onions……who wants to kiss a baby-powdered, soft-skinned, cutie-pie toddler with garlic breath??  Double time on the teeth brushing!
Here’s the recipe if you wann’a try it:

1 cup Mayonnaise (Click HERE for homemade recipe)
½ cup Sour Cream (or Greek-style yogurt….which is basically really thick yogurt)
1 Tbsp. White Vinegar
1 Tbsp. Sugar
1 Small Onion, chopped
½ tsp. Salt
1 Clove Garlic, minced or through garlic press (or ½ tsp. garlic powder)
1 Tbsp. Chives (or parsley, gives it nice green specks of color)
Milk – Optional, to make it thinner

Chuck all of the above into blender, zip until onions are chopped up fine.  Chill in fridge before using.


  1. hey...your "click HERE" link for the mayo isn't working.

  2. Carolyn Renee, your food pictures make me want to lick my laptop screen.
    Thanks for the recipes!
