Tuesday, October 2, 2012

So, anybody remember this?

Pay-It-Forward Handmade Challenge

You know.  From like over eight months ago.  I was sucker enough to sign up for two of them, so I have a total of ten homemade gifts to pass out.

And guess what?  I haven't started a single one of them.
But ideas, oh do I have ideas!  And seeing as it's the eleventh hour, I suppose I should get my backside in gear.

I do, however, have a problem (no, not that problem with the cupcakes).  When I posted my Pay it Forward Challenge, I only got two suckers takers on it, namely Tom and Donna.  So I need a little help from the rest of you.

If you weren't around for the original post and you feel so inclined, please feel free to join in.  Technically I still have room for eight more participants.  But do know that if you want to participate, you too will commit yourself to making five handmade gifts and giving them out before the end of the year.  The upside is that you'll get a homemade gift from me!

Now if that deadline didn't scare you and you still want to join in on this last-minute gift making / giving party, feel free to comment on this post and say you're in!  The gifts don't have to be elaborate, expensive or time consuming.  Just something you made and you'd like to share with someone.  And if you don't have a blog, don't worry about that either.  Just give your gifts out to people you know, or even people you don't know in your neighborhood.  If I don't get an additional eight people to sign up, I still intend on making my ten gifts but will pass them out around the holiday time at the Salvation Army.

And as for Susan, the apparent originator of this home/handmade challenge, I'm having a bawling, stinky goat buck sent to you via FedEx.  Oh, she's also hosting an awesome week-long book giveaway on her blog (it is not, a goat, I promise), go check it out.  Wait.  Don't check it out.  I don't want to reduce my chances of winning.


  1. DAMN YOU, CR!! I was trying to slide into next month before I had to send off my gifties (only two of which I have finished). Drat. Now the pressure is on. And no, I don't want to flail myself with another go around. I just wanted to whine on your blog. If Fedex won't deliver packages anywhere near my front door (due to mad dogs at the window), I can just imagine them delivering a stinky, squalling buck goat. They'd leave him at the end of the road. Don't even think about it. (Isn't it a good thing we don't live next door to each other?)

  2. Oh yeah, I remember only too well!! I FINALLY got started on my gifties this past week. (whew) I signed up at Tombstone Livestock's blog so I'm gonna pass on another round too! :)

  3. If you promise not to send me a stinky screaming goat you can count me in. Give me something to do while listening to my own stinky,screaming dog that is so horny he wants to breed the Pyrenees guarding him. :)

    1. You're in! And I promise I won't send you another stinky, screaming goat.

  4. I'm in, but I don't want your goat either! I have my own thanks ;)

  5. Oh I don't know where you find the time for all of those projects. I have a horrible time keeping up with making homemade Christmas presents.

    1. Don't worry, I do PLENTY of goofing off...just ask Paul! :)
      So, does this mean that you're "IN"?
