Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Farmers Market

This Friday will be my fifth week at the farmers market so on Thursdays you'll usually find me in the kitchen....stirring this, mixing that, proofing the other thing.  I'm finally getting a routine for the market; cookie dough during the early afternoon, bread made/risen by the evening & into the oven late that night, cookies cut & popped into the oven early Friday morning.

Grandma took Rhiannon for a while today so I was in the kitchen a day earlier making cookie dough.  Got two batches in the freezer!

Last week at the farmers market was a (very small scale) success.  Every week I make a little more money.  Last Friday my sales totaled a whopping $35!  Yeah, yeah, I know.  But even after material costs, it pays for a bag or two of goat food.

I sold cookies, breads, goat cheese and even a bar of goat milk soap.  And I got a few more milk customers lined up.  I just gott'a figure how I'm going to sell to them as I really don't want everyone coming down to the house.  Probably meet them up at the main road or bring their pre-ordered milk to the market on Fridays.

Honestly, there aren't more than a dozen vendors at the market (me, veggie guy, other veggie lady, honey guy, worm poop guy, plant lady, dog sitting lady, crafty lady, fudge lady, muffin lady) and last Friday there were only seven of us.  And the foot traffic could definitely be increased if the city would actually put in a tiny bit of effort to advertise or actively pursue getting other vendors in there.  But oh well.  Maybe I'll take the initiative and try to round up some people.  Or not.

Oh, and I got a line on some blemished produce!  You know, for when we get a pig to grow out (can you hear Paul screaming?).  I finally got the courage up to ask the veggie guy what he does with his old produce & he said that he gives it to a lady in the other farmers market in the "big city" when he's there (he sells at both markets), but if I wanted the old stuff from our market he would give it to me at the end of the day.  Whoo hooo!  Doesn't hurt to ask!  And doesn't hurt to pass out homemade cookies to the other vendors either :)

He also gave me about a dozen peaches, some sweet potatoes and onions (not yucky, just not "perfect" for selling) to take home so I gott'a make sure to hook him up with more cookies on Friday.  I LOVE bartering & swapping!


  1. Sounds like you are doing pretty good. We sold 3 bars of soap last week, and 10 jars of jam/jelly, however I'd like to dwindle my jam/jelly out of it. Just too much work and higher prices to make them. We have many more vendors, but they include Tupperware, Scentsy, and stuff like that. They don't come by my booth either.

  2. Maybe get other vendors to help put up flyers in key locations.

    I think once Paul sees how much meat you can get from a pig in 6 months time and how easy they are to raise he will be hooked. 2 pigs work well, keep each other company, anyone you can sell halfs to?

  3. That's wonderful! Plus it gets you out of the house...without shopping involved. :) We have farmers markets all over the place but, with the proximity of City people heading to their weekend homes, most of the stuff is priced way out of the locals' budget. Will your picky goats eat any of the not-quite-perfect produce that you don't want?

  4. Awesome! The profit, and the extra free veg. I get a "chicken fun box" from my veggie vendor at the market for free, and the chicken ALWAYS know when I have the box.

    I gotta learn how to make my own soap... My favorite soap had it's "recipe" changed and I hate it now, and I can't find a soap I like...

  5. Sounds like you are building a customer base and having fun, which is 3/4 of the battle! I love bartering at the Farmer's Market too, it almost feels like getting stuff for free! :)
    I bake and freeze, bake and freeze all week long. I have a chest freezer dedicated to my Farmer's Market stuff.

  6. Yep, bartering/swapping is the best! Most often, it seems like each person comes out really happy. Heck, I'd take bruised fruit or veggies any day. If you decide not to use it, your chickens (maybe even the goats) will make good use of it. And pigs would LOVE it.

    Baking/cooking for a farmer's market is a lot of work, but if you get a return of some kind (and have fun doing it), I say go for it!

  7. Good for you, Carolyn. I would love to stop by your booth... just to say hi (and buy your goods, of course)!

  8. Carolyn

    Bartering / swapping is the way to go now a days. You take care of this man by making cookies and you'll get all the fruit and vegetables you could ever ask for.

    Now that's a deal one can't pass up.

    I would consider doing the same thing at the local farmers market here but they charge a fortune to setup a table or booth and sell your homemade products.

    Can't wait to hear what you come back with on your next day of selling at the market.
