Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Obligatory New Year's Resolutions

I won't say that I hate New Year's Resolution.  Nor will I say that I enjoy them.  It's just that my entire life seems to be filled with lists and NYR's seem to be nothing more than an additional list that I have to keep from losing.

But in order to keep with socially mandated traditions, here is my list of Resolutions for 2014:

Eat Less *
Exercise More *
Spend Less
Plant More
Worry Less
Enjoy More

*Been on my list for, say, the last ten years.

This should not be confused with the "Homestead To-Do List" nor the "Things I Really Need to Do, But Probably Wont" lists, which are much, much longer and much more detailed.  And since the 2014 NYR is rather vague, I'm hoping that I can actually adhere to it.

Even though I'm not going to spend any additional time contemplating how to be a better person, how to get rid of my muffin top or how to squeeze a penny harder, I am looking forward to planning for the Spring garden.  Which seems like a pretty good way to tackle every one of my 2014 NYR's now that I think about it.  I'd be eating less (calories) if we ate out of our garden more.  I'd be exercising more by working in the garden.  We'd spend less at the grocery store on fruits & veggies if I planted more.  I'd worry less about what questionable chemicals that are on store-bought food if they come from our own homestead.  And I'm sure to enjoy being with Rhiannon as she helps me out in the garden.

So there you go.  My New Year's Resolutions can all be accomplished by planting a garden.

How Zen is that?


  1. Very Zen. I don't know what it is about January but that is the month I get all "gardeney". Maybe it's all the seed catalogs but I can't help but envision what I want to do out in the yard.

    That's not to say I want to put in the hard labor though...

    Happy New Year to you all!

  2. All very good resolutions. Which is probably why I wouldn't be able to manage a one of them. Happy New Year to all you sweeties at Krazo Acres!

  3. Totally Zen, that whole garden thing... Happy New Year!

  4. I haven't really made a list of "resolutions" yet, but losing another 25 pounds would be nice.

  5. Good job! Still working on all those myself too :)

  6. I am making a few this year. Not something I ever really did before. We will see how it goes.

  7. I think gardening is the best medicine for a healthy body :)

  8. I shared those with my hubby, and he asked me to print them out!
