Saturday, July 4, 2015

Happy Inde-Thanks-Pendence-Giving Day!!

The family is in for their annual Summer vacation.  Christine (sister), Joe (B.I.L.), Memphis (nutjob Boxer dog) and Dad (well, dad) come to visit us and take advantage of the nearby lake fun.

With all the rain we've been getting, we were darned lucky to actually get out on the water this time.  The lake levels are really high and most of the boat launches are closed because of it.  Dad & Christine rented a pontoon boat for the afternoon and we boated, ate chicken and salad and watermelon and cookies and swam and laughed.  Fun was had by all (except for Memphis, who did NOT get to go on the boat, nor get to eat any chicken).

Because of work schedules and other time constraints, it appears that we won't be celebrating Thanksgiving with the family this year.  So since we were all together now, I though that maybe we could have Thanksgiving now.

Dad splurged on a frozen turkey, Mom made buttery/creamy/delectable mashed potatoes, I made the obligatory green bean casserole, dressing and turkey gravy, Christine brought a frozen berry pie and Joe brought the adult beverage.  It was one of the most hassle-free, albeit a bit non-traditional, holiday dinners I've ever prepared.  The fact that we had berry instead of pumpkin pie felt a bit strange, but not as strange as having a ripe watermelon sitting on the counter for "Second Dessert".

...or another turkey leg for "dessert".
So today we're giving thanks for many things; Family, Freedom and Fun!

Happy Independence Day!


  1. Glad you could all celebrate. Thanksgiving doesn't have to be only in November! I don't know why we never have the full dinner any time other than Thanksgiving. Everyone loves it and it's really not difficult to make.

  2. Everyone present at this July Thanksgiving Dinner will remember it and the good times come November when you aren't able to be together. (Did that make sense?) I may have had to make a pumpkin pie along with the berry pie though. :o]

  3. I love the idea of turkey anytime. We have a son and family coming back from South Korea shortly and we'll be having a makeup dinner for them. All their favorite foods. So it will be a table full of good but maybe (to some) a strange menu. Turkey and deviled eggs by the dozen for sure, mashed potatoes, and chicken spinach ring and of course the dear Aunt who always brings something "new" that never quite turns out. We love her, just not her cooking..... Anyway it's all about family and making memories. Food binds us together, especially us southerners, it was how our family celebrated or mourned. So a rousing cheer to your grand Turkey Fourth.
