Friday, October 15, 2010

Spring / Summer 2010

Paul made two raised garden beds earlier this year.  Only had tomatoes & peppers in them & they didn’t do too well with the heat though.  Paul said he’ll try to get several more beds in before winter so I can start digging compost into them to get them ready for spring planting.

Nettie had two kids in mid-May, a doeling named Cloud and a male freezer goat.  Annette had a single doeling just a few weeks later.   We bred the goats a little late last year so I want to breed them earlier this fall.  Here's a picture of Annette & her first kid, Stormy. 

We also got sixteen fruit trees planted this year.  Started with twenty, but lost two plum & two apple trees.  No fruit for a couple more years. 
Had a couple of our hens go broody this summer.  Unfortunately lost one hen & her two chicks to a raccoon because she wouldn’t go into the shed at night, then another hen's chick went missing & I had to put one down that had some really bad leg problems.  So out of eight hen-raised chicks, we only have four now.  One of them is already laying, but the others have a couple more months until we get any eggs from them.  If I find a cheap incubator in the paper I think I’m going to try my hand at incubating again.  I’d rather have the hens raise them so I don’t have to keep a heat lamp on them, but it seems that my broody hens can’t manage to keep more than five or six eggs at a time (they either keep breaking or they are eating them, not sure which) and out of those only a couple of chicks survive.  

Our garden was pretty pathetic again this year.  I started like 100 seedlings indoors in March, but most of them didn’t make it.  I think I didn’t have the light close enough; they were really spindly & never grew much once they were planted outside.  We got lots of yellow & red pear tomatoes, sweet banana peppers, a handful of green peppers & about a dozen cantaloupe.  The raspberries & blueberries didn’t do well this year, probably because I didn’t water them enough during the hot weather.  Mom’s raspberry & blackberry bushes did real well.  I’m going to have to plant the type of blackberry bushes they have as they were huge, thornless and absolutely delicious!

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