Sunday, May 22, 2011

Fast Food - Pancakes

I have a bad habit of making way too much food.  Like, if you were to just so happen to stop over during supper time and brought your husband and two kids with you, there would be plenty to eat without me having to do anything more than put out four more plates and sets of silverware. 
This habit of mine poses both an advantage and disadvantage.  The disadvantage is that we tend to eat too much.  The advantage is that we can have leftovers the next day for lunch or supper or I can pack the extra into hillbilly-tupperware containers and freeze them for last-minute lunches for Paul to take to work. 
A few weeks ago we had pancakes for breakfast, and in usual fashion, I made enough to feed a farmhouse table full of lumberjacks.  But instead or gorping out, I froze them:
Extra pancakes ready to go into the freezer.

I got out of bed late this morning (I just love it when Paul’s home on the weekends!) so by the time barn chores were finished, I had one very hungry little girl waiting at the table for breakfast. 
My fall-back-quickie-breakfast for her is usually oatmeal with raisins and maple syrup, but then I remembered the frozen pancakes!
One happy, pancake-eating, syrup-slopping little girl!

They freeze very well and make a great last minute breakfast.....sure beats a bowl of Fruit Loops.
*** Tonight's the deadline to enter to win "Hen and the Art of Chicken Maintenance".... Click HERE to enter.***


  1. How do you reheat those? I have tried freezing pancakes before but I never found a way to heat them that they didnt taste like cardboard.

  2. Honestly, I just toss them in the microwave. It's a whole wheat pancake recipe, not sure if that makes a difference. They aren't "Just off the Griddle" fresh, but still most edible.

  3. We also freeze our leftover pancakes (and you're right about them beating a bowl of Fruit Loops!!) and to re-heat them we pop them in the toaster. :) Way to be resourceful!!

  4. I always freeze extra pancakes, too!!
