Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Time of Diminishing Returns

Aaahhhhhh, the fond memories of our first batch of chickens.  And our first eggs.

Then our second and third batches (thanks to the bobcats, coyotes and hawks) of store-bought chicks.  Then our own foray into backyard chicken egg incubating.  Lots of eggs and lots of rooster soup.

But at one point (about a week ago, actually) something occurred to me.  I've been shoveling out the chicken feed at an alarming rate.  And the chicken-scrap bucket on the kitchen counter, which used to provide a nice portion of the chicken-food rations, was no longer sufficient to keep the chickens happy.  Because as soon as I dumped the scrap bucket into their bowl, I felt like that woman trapped in the phone booth in Alfred Hitchcock's "The Birds"............or kind'a like this:

There are no fewer than thirty-seven chickens at Krazo Acres.  Twenty laying-age hens, four roosters and thirteen (or so) younger homegrown chicks of not-yet-determined sex.  And I'm only getting four or five eggs a day.

I know that the egg laying slows down during the winter months and I also have a handful of hens molting now, not to mention the younger birds.  But there's just something not right with having that many chickens and getting less than a half-dozen eggs a day.

But in a few months when the younger hens start laying and the older hens up their production I'll probably be complaining about having too many eggs.  


  1. Good luck with that, I've got 15 chickens and I'm buying eggs. AAuuugghh!!!

  2. I keep waving back and forth ... do I want chickens again, no I will buy eggs, back to do I want chickens again ....... so far buying eggs is winning, LOL. But would prefer to not have to buy them ..........

  3. Do you have a light on in your coop to give them equivelent of a summer's day light? Warm water? We only have 15 hens--Americaunas-but get a dozen daily plus our two older hens pitch in a couple times a week with giant double yolkers. Jackie Clay of Backwoods Home suggests cat food for extra protein to kick lazy hens into production. Haven't tried in. We really can't use the eggs we get but we sell to the feedstore and several local customers so they pay for their food,at least. Plus I do spout wheat for them...introduced the chicks at 3 days old and they consider it the super delux chicken treat. Think it really helps production plus keeps the yolks good and yellow like customers expect.Do know a bunch of roosters can eat you out of house and home. We only have one in hopes of hatching some eggs this spring.

  4. You kill me!!! You are doing better than me I have 28 chickens and get one egg a day. So we only eat eggs on Sunday! We only gave away three dozen eggs this year. I hope I don't have to buy any from this egg drought, store eggs are NASTY!!!!!

  5. No eggs here, but of course it is freezing!

  6. 37 chickens! We have 12 now, two of which are roosters. I'm happy to be getting 2 eggs a day. I have to say I'm not too impressed with the lay rate of the Buff Orpingtons. They are good mothers and the tenderest so far of the dual purpose breeds we've tried, but eggs? Not so great.

  7. I feel your pain, that is the situation I was in last winter. Just remember, it will get better and you will be looking for recipes for omelets, frittatas, quiche, souffles, etc.! ;)

  8. We have about 13-14 hens and get about six eggs a day and we can't eat that many so I'm overflowing with eggs right now. We have Buff Orpingtons and a couple of Wyondottes plus a couple other types. We don't have a light on in the coop but in the past we did see a decrease when we did not use the light. We do feed only Purina Layena and it is expensive so no bargain on the eggs but at least I know where they have been.

  9. I'm right there with you. And right now we are rooster-less. Darn coyotes and foxes :(

  10. I have 3 layers (one's retired) and am getting 2 eggs a day, with extra light on. I think some are skipping every other day...

  11. I'm enjoying your blog!

    But what is this "egg" of which you speak? Back in the mists of time (October, I think), I do seem to remember collecting these things...but it's been so long since one's appeared in the coop that memory fades.

    Over twenty hens lined up at our lunch wagon, and I finally had to break down and buy a dozen eggs. My chickens appear to have ascended to the rank of "pets"... and expensive ones at that. Perhaps it's time to wave a soup pot in their general direction...

  12. We JUST got our first egg from our last egg-less hen. I don't know what took the little bitty so long, but we are happy to not have any defective chickens this time around. But yeah... You have too many chickens to not be getting a silly amount of eggs every day...

    Supplemental light? I have mine on a Christmas light timer from 4-715 am, but not at night. I read somewhere that having it on at night will mess with the chickens desire to go to bed...

  13. We have come to accept that in winter months we get almost no eggs. (I consider it their rest period) We have also come to accept the fortune we now pay for chicken feed for 100 chickens.

  14. Sometimes I just don't get chickens. We've had batches where every stinkin' last one of them lays almost everyday (and then we've got too many eggs to keep up with) and then we've had the batches where (like you) we're thinking maybe they're hiding them or eating them or giving them away before we can collect. Feast or famine, I tell ya. We ALWAYS get more eggs in the winter though, which no one has been able to figure out. Yes we leave a light on for a couple more hours...but dang. It's crazy. Must be something in the water...er, ice....here.

  15. I agree; you probably have too many chickens, but you know how to take care of that!

    We are down to just 9....natural loss and a stray dog. Got zero eggs yesterday. I need to start afresh next spring with young pullets. We cut way down on feed this summer by letting them graze.

  16. Yes, I too use the light in the coop trick and it does help. I'm also not above standing in the chicken pen with a big butcher knife in a threatening way.

  17. I'm with everyone else. I have 24 hens of various laying ages and get 2 eggs a day. All their feathers have grown back, so they don't have that excuse. Slackers. Someone posted a week ago or so that they were selling all their oldsters, keeping a few of the younger hens, then restocking in the spring. That is starting to sound like a good idea. Chicken feed is expensive! BTW - where the heck do you find these pictures?? They are wonderful!
