Friday, March 22, 2013


That would be one of our peach trees.  Just started blooming yesterday.  You know, when we started getting sleet and snow.  Six inches of snow.

But snow doesn't mean the barn chores don't have to be done.  Pulled my big girl panties on and trudged through the mess, hauling buckets of warm water, tossing new hay on top of piles of perfectly good hay underneath the snow, and shoveling a path from the chicken coop to their feeding station.

Don't roll your eyes at me.  You know you shovel the snow for your critters.  I'm too lazy to shovel off my porch, but the stupid poultry get a nice 4' wide path from their house to their little feeding hut.

Go figure.


  1. Oh, shoot... I thought I was the only one who shoveled "play areas" for the chickens. Nice to know I'm not alone, and the big girl panties are STRANGLING me right now.

  2. Wow that's alot of snow! My little one was in Branson yesterday, they left early since it was supposed to snow! Homesteaders have it worse than postmen. At least they get Sundays off LOL!!!!

  3. Heck, doesn't EVERYONE shovel pathways for their poultry? So sorry to see the snow on your beautiful peach blossoms. Stinkin weather...

  4. Will this winter EVER END?!? Blech

  5. Shoot, that picture of the ice covered blossom buds almost made me cry!

    We gave up shoveling paths for our chickens as the ungrateful things won't chance stepping on any of that cold, white stuff. They'd rather stay in their heated solarium (I'm lying about the heated part although if there is any sun at all it does get toasty warm in there), thank you very much.

    Six inches of snow?! That's more than we got first of this week, for crikey sakes!

  6. Oh NO!! This crazy winter does seem to be lingering on, and on, and on, and ...
    I saw a story on the news where a lawyer in Ohio wants to indict Punxsutawney Phil for falsely misrepresenting an early spring! ;)

  7. I lost all my nectarines and apples last year due to this kind of thing...

  8. Man, that is so... BAH!

    We lost a whole season of Pears when the snow, (white cow plop, in my opinion), froze or knocked off all the blossoms. Hope that you get to have some of yours make it. And I am of the mind that the chickens can have breakfast in the house when it's that kind of weather. Spoiled? Nah...


  9. This spring is awful! Your poor tree blossoms... I sure hope it gets warm soon. It's icy rain here and we are normally seeing highs of about 60 by now!

  10. Oh, sorry about your peach blossoms!

  11. I hate seeing that pink bloom with ice....but the ice might actually protect them from the low temperatures. That is why orchards spray when they are expecting a big freeze.
