Friday, March 8, 2013

Input / Opinions Needed

This weekend we've been invited to a hog butchering event.  The "festivities" start tomorrow around 8 am when the six or so hogs are going to be sent to pork-chop heaven via a lead projectile in the cranium.  Then gutting and hanging.

Sunday will be spent doing the butchering & packing.

Anyhow.....I was thinking about bringing Rhiannon with tomorrow because it's supposed to be warm & Sunday we're expecting rain.  Paul thought that it would be too traumatic for her.  She's seen us kill & butcher chickens before (although not very interested in it so not sure how much of it sunk in), but I'm thinking it's a little different with such large animals.

So, what say ye?  Do we take her with or drop her off at Grandma's for the morning?

And, am I just a heartless and pathetic mother for even considering bringing my 4 year old with?


  1. I'd pass personally, until she's a little older. Big animals would be much louder and there'd be a lot more blood. :(

  2. Well, all I can say is that I'm 46, and it would still be WAY too traumatic for me! I've never even seen Bambi because I didn't think I could handle it. Of course there might be some merit in raising her in such a way that she learns to deal with death better than I do. Oh, thank God I'm not a parent! :-)

  3. If you really aren't sure then I'd play it safe rather than be sorry later and have a traumatized child. If you are sure she will be fine than bring her.

  4. Carolyn,

    I would pass also, give sweet Rhiannon some more time before introducing her to pig butchering. Have fun!

  5. At four a child tends to see more trauma, rahter than education as to from where our food come. I would probably wait a year or two.


  6. I would let her stay with grandma ☺

  7. I'd wait another 6-8 years. Let Rhiannon keep thinking the animals are fun. You just never know what her mind will be thinking about an event like that, could be life changing for her and you.

  8. My input here is probably too late now. I certainly wouldn't take her (or have her observe such on your own place) without talking with her about it over a couple of days (casually, of course) previous to the event. As in don't spring it on her cold. (But I know you wouldn't do that.) She already has been raised to have a good idea of where her food comes from but dispatching hogs and the possible noise and blood accompanying it might be upsetting and confusing for a 4 year old to process. Yeah, leave her at Grandma's.

  9. Wow. I guess I AM a heartless mother! We didn't go to the butchering today, and even if we went, Rhiannon would have gone to Grandma's house. It was too nice outside and we're doing outdoor stuff together (i.e. Rhiannon & I are playing with the goats & Paul is doing hard labor!).

  10. Glad it worked out the way it did. I wouldn't have taken her either.
